Feeling himself innocent of cases of illegal sale and purchase of luxury cars, Jocky Fernando Wednesday (07/27/2005) yesterday, two witnesses reported that are considered to give an incriminating statement to police officers so that Jocky was accused as a fraud and a suspect in this case.

Because they also have languished in prison Jocky Bekasi police station. Both men are Mario and Sutomo Sakti Darma. The event started when Jocky wanted to buy a luxury car that will sell again. Mario and Sutomo incidentally offers the desired car to Jocky who immediately gave an advance of 50 million rupiah.
But until now, a car valued at 900 million rupiah has not yet been sent to him. Feeling defiled the good name of their testimony, Jocky was reported to the Polda Metro Jaya yesterday. "I want to seek truth and justice" said Jocky

Jocky who was accompanied by his wife did not immediately report cases to the police. Wanting to settle peacefully. But it did not seem to work well so that any legal action taken.
Facing the problems faced by her husband, a middle Della six months pregnant, admits the incident was especially influential on him. "Like it or not must be disturbed, but I do not give a damn" says Della.