Once the case is declared complete, the Aura again later face still exist despite rarely appear on the screen. What is Aura busy during the fasting month this year? Peek yuk!

"I'm still singing off the water. Soap opera also continues longer production plus a peek into another shelter. Pokonya been working out here right here dong-dong, let the fun get together right here, "said Aura Kasih singer who had just started fasting since two days ago because coming months.
Although rarely appeared in front of the camera, not a means Aura does not have anything. It is precisely the activity the more densely to make a girl who reportedly had a relationship with Ariel is to be extra health care.
"If you watch the dawn aja sih health, eat a lot of two plates, which means I'll fit well. Kayak supplements really, "she explained.
No problem for the Aura because during the fasting month he had to spend time away from home. Moreover, work is also included in worship. Aura was well intentioned, that entertain the public through the abilities they possess.
"Ramadan is not only holding its own appetite and drinking doang. But really we were taught to us to appreciate something, be generalized to appreciate something wrote, "explained Aura.

To be sure, Aura want to still exist in the entertainment world and entertain his fans. Although the month of fasting, did not deter Aura to remain active.
"Want to continue to exist in the entertainment world and hopefully still acceptable at all communities. And we have to keep working, do not give up and continue to explore its potential in any case, "she concluded.