"Lebaran my first day in Jakarta, then jenguk Ariel," Luna said when met at the House MD Entertainment, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on Sunday night (14/08/2011).

After Ariel and stay in touch with relatives in Jakarta, film actress
Silver Love it claims will fly abroad to finish the job. But the country exactly where it will go, Luna was reluctant to tell.
"Well met Ariel, in the evening I went directly out of the country for up to three weeks," she said.
In welcoming the victory day later, Luna claimed not to have a special preparation. But he had prepared a cake and parcel to his colleagues.
"Persiapanya most buy cakes and parcel messages to colleagues and friends. Less is more like that," she said.
In addition to parcel, he is also preparing to distribute money to his nephew. Ward 13 cast film has also been buying new clothes. "Clothes from yesterday already bought one, the others already there it all," she admits proudly.
During this fast, Luna is also often visited Ariel. Luna explained that the condition is very good lover. "Often the place of Ariel, and he's very good condition. He was a baseball and baseball have demanded ever ask for. What I wrote that he would love to take it," she added firmly.